Many problems can be modeled as the flow of some "thing" along defined pathways; the flow of items through a network. Whether it is internet traffic (the flow of packets between routers) or the classic natural gas pipeline distribution problem, a special type of graph, a flow network, can be used to model certain network characteristics. Determining the maximum flow the network can support is one of these characteristics.
A flow network is a graph that is a collection of a set of nodes and a set of directed edges which follow certain rules. All flow begins in a designated source-node (s) end terminates in a designated sink-node (t).
Edges have a source node ("u") and a destination node ("v") often denoted "(u,v)"
The data stored on each edge has a non-negative integer property, Capacity, representing the maximum that can be assigned to this edge
There can be at most one edge between any two nodes
Edges have an integer Flow property representing the flow through the edge
In this homework we will build a program that analyzes flow networks to determine their maximum flow using the Edmonds-Karp algorithm.
A flow for the network is an assignment of integer Flows to each edge such that the following properties are satisfied:
The value of the flow is the sum of the Flows on all outgoing edges from s, minus the sum of all of the Flows on incoming edges to s. The maximum flow is the greatest flow satisfying these constraints. It turns out that we can always find a maximum flow for which there is no flow on incoming edges to s; in fact, the algorithm we will use always finds such a maximum flow. We can therefore restrict our attention to such flows and simplify our definition of a maximum flow to the sum of the Flows on all outgoing edges from s.
The flow on the above network is 21, which is the maximum.
The Edmonds-Karp algorithm uses a graph known as the residual capacity graph for the flow network. (Note: The video also refers to this graph as the residual capacity matrix, which is another format for representing the information in this graph.) The residual capacity graph contains the same nodes as the flow network and all of the edges. In addition, for each edge (u, v) in the flow network, the residual capacity graph also contains an edge in the opposite direction: edge (v, u). The data on each edge of the residual capacity graph contains a ResidualCapacity property. For each edge (u, v) in the flow network:
Thus, the ResidualCapacities of (u, v) and (v, u) together represent the amount by which the current Flow on (u, v) can be legally changed. For example, consider edge (s, a) in the above example. In the residual capacity graph, edge (s, a) will have a ResidualCapacity of 20 - 15 = 5, which is the amount of additional flow that can be pushed along (s, a) without violating the constraints on that edge (i.e., ignoring the other constraints on the network flow). The ResidualCapacity of edge (a, s) will be 15, which is the amount by which the flow on (s, a) can be reduced without violating the constraints on (a, s).
The purpose of the residual capacity graph is to find paths in the flow network along which flow can be increased. For example, consider the following flow network with given flows, followed by the associated residual capacity graph (for readability, edges with 0 ResidualCapacity are not shown in the residual capacity graph):
In the flow network, every path from s to t contains at least one edge whose Flow matches its Capacity; hence, within this network, there is no path along which we can increase the flow. In the residual capacity graph, however, there is a path s -> a -> d -> c -> b -> t in which each edge contains a positive ResidualCapacity. The minimum ResidualCapacity along this path is 2 (edge (a, d)); hence, we can increase the flow along this path by 2. Note that because edge (d, c) in the residual capacity graph is oriented in the opposite direction of edge (c, d) in the flow network, the flow along (c, d) is decreased by 2 (essentially, this flow is diverted to c -> b -> t to make room for additional flow into node d).
Because the residual capacity graph consists of exactly the same nodes and a superset of the edges of the flow network, we can simplify the representation by combining the two graphs into a single graph consisting of nodes and edges from the residual capacity graph. This graph contains edges that are not in the flow network. We will set the Capacity properties of each of these edges to 0 to indicate that they should be ignored. Likewise, any edge with a ResidualCapacity of 0 will be ignored by the maximum flow algorithm. We will therefore treat edges with a Capacity of 0 as being nonexistent in the flow network, and edges with a ResidualCapacity of 0 as being nonexistent in the residual capacity graph.
Note: What follows is a somewhat more streamlined presentation of the algorithm than what is shown in the video, though the processing is essentially the same. You should refer to the following presentation when writing your code.
Once the flow network (with all Flows set to 0) and the associated residual capacity graph are initialized, the algorithm repeatedly performs breadth first searches to find shortest paths from s to t in the residual network. As long as the breadth first search finds such a path:
When no path s~>t can be found, the flows in the graph represent a maximum flow from s to t. Note again that the breadth first search in the above algorithm ignores all edges whose ResidualCapacity is 0. In the next section, we will describe step 2 of the above loop in more detail.
Recall that a breadth first search (see Lab Assignment 34) gives us a dictionary whose keys are nodes. The value associated with each node other than s is its predecessor along a shortest path from s to that node, and the value associated with s is s itself. As in Lab Assignments 33 and 34, we will need to process the path from s to t backwards - from t to s. As we work our way from t to s, we make use of edges in both directions along this path. In what follows, we will refer to the edges going from s to t as path edges and the edges going in the opposite direction as back edges.
For each path edge and its associated back edge, we need to adjust ResidualCapacities to account for the flow being added. Because the flow will be added in the direction of the path edge, we need to decrease the ResidualCapacity of each path edge by the amount of the additional flow. On the other hand, we need to increase the ResidualCapacity of each back edge by this same amount.
To add the flow, we first need to determine which of each pair of edges is in the flow network. Specifically, if the path edge has a Capacity of 0, then the back edge is in the flow network. In this case, we need to decrease the Flow on the back edge by the amount of the additional flow. Otherwise, the path edge is in the flow network. In this case, we need to increase the Flow on the path edge by this amount.
We will be loading graphs from files. As in your labs, these files contain lists of edges, one per line. The format of a line is "source-node, destination-node, edge-capacity". A few graph files can be found in the repository's Data folder.
The software architecture is shown in the following class diagram:
The UserInterface class implements the GUI (see below). The NetworkGraph class implements the graph combining the flow network and the residual capacity graph. The EdgeData class stores the data on each edge. Each of these is described in detail in the coding requirements that follow. The names of all public members need to match those shown above so that the provided unit test code compiles. You may use different names for private members, as long as you follow the naming conventions for CIS 300.
The EdgeData class needs a single private field, an int to store the flow placed on an edge. It also needs the following public properties:
It should also have a public constructor and a public method. These are described in what follows.
The constructor should take as its only parameter an int giving the initial value for both the Capacity and ResidualCapacity properties (the flow will initially be 0, which means that the Capacity and the ResidualCapacity should be the same). It should check that the given parameter is nonnegative - if it is negative, it should throw an ArgumentException.
This method should override the ToString method. It should return a string of the form
flow: x; capacity: y; residual capacity: z
This method will be helpful in debugging your code, as it will cause the value of an EdgeData object to be shown in the above format.
A NetworkGraph contains a single private field, a DirectedGraph<string, EdgeData>. (The DLL containing the Ksu.Cis300.Graphs project is provided in the starter solution.) It also contains the following public property:
The NetworkGraph class also contains 5 public methods and a public constructor. These are each described in what follows.
The constructor should take as its only parameter an array of strings, each in the same form as a line of an input file: "source-node, destination-node, edge-capacity"; thus, each string describes an edge of the flow network. The constructor should process each string, adding the edge and its reverse edge to the graph. The graph built should be a combination of the flow network and the residual capacity graph; thus, the capacity of each reverse edge should be 0. Note: edges and nodes may only be added during instantiation.
This method should take a string giving node as its only parameter and should return an IEnumerable<Edge<string, EdgeData>> enumerating the edges coming from that node.
This method should take no parameters and return nothing. For each edge in the graph, it should set the Flow to 0 and the ResidualCapacity to the Capacity.
This method should take as its parameters two strings giving the source and sink nodes. It should return nothing. It must follow the "Finding the Maximum Flow" algorithm above. This method determines and assigns the Flow and ResidualCapacity property values for all the graph's edges. You should assume that these two properties have been initialized appropriately to some legal flow. Do not zero out the flow - instead, find the flow that results from applying the algorithm to this initial flow. This will allow one of the unit tests to test one aspect of the algorithm's behavior.
This method should take as its only parameter a string giving a node. It should return an int giving the total flow coming from that node.
This method should take no parameters and should return a string describing the edges of the graph. The string should contain a description of each edge of the flow network, with successive descriptions separated by \r\n
. The description of each edge should be of the form "source-node -> destination-node : flow / capacity". Ignore any edges with a Capacity of 0. Build the string using a StringBuilder. After converting the StringBuilder to a string, use the string's Trim method to remove any white space from the ends of the string.
The class must contain least 2 private methods of your choosing. No method, public or private, may be more than 30 lines (method signature to closing brace, using the formatting specified in the style requirements).
The User Interface is described below. Building it is a student task. It should look similar to the image below.
You may have as many private methods as you deem necessary to provide the behavior described below. No method, public or private may be more than 30 lines (method signature to closing brace, using the formatting specified in the style requirements).
At start-up the ListBoxes and TextBoxes should be empty
Clicking "Load Button" should
Prompt a user to select a graph file (the OpenFileDialog)
If the user selects a file:
Clicking "Solve Button" should do nothing if a graph hasn't been loaded. Otherwise:
Unit tests have been provided to test your EdgeData and NetworkGraph classes. Do not change the unit test code. Four input files have also been provided to test the GUI:
Be sure to commit and push all your changes to your GitHub repository. Submit the entire URL of the commit that you want graded.
Note: UNLIKE lab, GitHub will not re-run the unit tests. The green "check" you see refers to GitHub logging a push time. It has no connection to the functionality of your project. Automatically generated emails from GitHub or GitHub-Classroom referencing "passing" the test refer to time-logging not your project's functionality.